“Fuoriclasse della Scuola” is the first project in Italy
that rewards Secondary School talents, winners of the “Championships”
organized by the Ministry of Education and Merit

“Fuoriclasse della Scuola” awards the students of the last three years of secondary school who already won the Championships and competitions of:
Computer science
Natural sciences
Classical languages and civilizations
New Design contest
Economy contest
National competition for students of professional and technical institutes
How do the Championships work?

Strict selections
and high
of students from
all regions

The merit
is recognized
by passing
a national

The winners of
the past editions
confirmed that they are
excellent students
at university
Prizes for talents
The prizes (number and amount for each scholarship) may vary according to the funds raised.
The prize consists in:
1. Cashier’s check equal to the amount
established for the scholarship
in the name of the student.
2. Participation to the Fuoriclasse Campus:3 days of extensive studies and
testimonies about economics,
entrepreneurship and financial education.
3. Corporate experiences at companies or
entities that will finance
the scholarships.
The prizes are financed by companies, banks, foundations, private individuals. Please note that a percentage of the fund (25%) will be retained in order to meet the expenses and the organization of the Campus.
Fuoriclasse Campus

Objectives of the Campus
Strengthen the
human capital
of young people
and the life skills
that are essential
in the labor market.
Improve the
and competences
on economic matters
Bring the kids
into contact
with the representatives
of the business
and financial world
The program includes
Teaching and
experience sharing
Simulations and
role playing
Meetings with the
labor market representatives
and the leaders of the
organizations involved
Why support the
Fuoriclasse della Scuola?

To encourage
the merit
and excellence
of the young students
in Italy
To support
young talents
in their
growth path
To achieve the
“give back” objective:
to give back to those
who deserve some of
the luck received
To promote smart,
sustainable and
inclusive growth
Support the Fuoriclasse della Scuola by giving your contribution.
IBAN IT48G0306905257100000001243
Beneficiary: Fondazione per l’Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio
Reason: Project “I Fuoriclasse della Scuola”
Regulation – School year 2022 / 2023
The Foundation for Financial Education and Savings (hereinafter referred to as “FEduF”) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Merit (hereinafter referred to as “Mim”) carries out the “I Fuoriclasse della Scuola” Project (hereinafter referred to as “The Project”).
The Project, which is included in the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2020 between Mim and FEduF, with the collaboration of ABI, Museo del Risparmio and Confindustria and the support of the Carlo Cattaneo University – LIUC, aims to nurture young talents through the contribution of philanthropic donations from foundations, associations, companies and individual citizens.
The main goal of this project is to value the students of the last three years of high school, who ranked among the first in some individual national competitions within the annual program for the promotion of excellence according to Legislative Decree n. 262 of December 29, 2007.
The Project also intends to involve and raise awareness among students about economics, finance and savings in order to allow young people to acquire the necessary skills for a profitable integration into the business world.
The recipients of the Project are the students of the last three years of secondary schools who ranked among the first in the following individual national competitions included in the Program for the Promotion of the Excellence:
- Championships: Italian, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry, Natural Sciences, Economics and Finance, Classical Languages and Civilizations, Astronomy, Philosophy, Statistics;
- Chemistry Games, New Design Contest, Economics Contest, National competition for students of professional institutes and technical institutes.
Starting from the school year 2020/2021, it is possible to assign scholarships to sport champions with high academic performance and to students who ranked among the first in other projects recognized by the Peers Group Mim – FEduf.
The Project provides for the assignment of a scholarship in cash and the participation in a residential Campus on financial education.
The number of winners awarded is based on the donations collected by August 31, 2019 and by the choice of supporters among the different competitions.
The criteria for the assignment of scholarships are determined as follows.
The scholarship is assigned to the students on the basis of what indicated by the supporters in the different sections or categories of the competitions planned for the school year 2022/2023.
If more students tied for first, the scholarship is assigned to the youngest student.
If a scholarship is destined to a female student, the scholarship is assigned to the first female student in the ranking list of the last three years of secondary school.
Students can receive a single scholarship in cash for each school year. In case some students win more than one competition in the school year 2022/2023, we check the ranking of the competition that took place later in time so that another student who made it in this ranking can participate in the Project and receive the scholarship. Additional criteria for the assignment of scholarships can be clarified by the Peers Group mentioned in article 3 of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2020 between the Mim and FEduF.
During the school year, MIM commits to:
- promote the project;
- communicate to the schools the names of the students who are recipients of the scholarships.
The FEduF commits to:
- organize the fund raising and take care of its administration;
- work on and update the website www.fuoriclassedellascuola.it;
- define the times and methods of delivery of the prizes;
- organize the hospitality of the participants in the events;
- communicate the program to the schools and the students;
- assign prizes to the students;
- process data of students, teachers and all those involved, exclusively for the purposes of the Project and in accordance with the requirements of the EU 2016/679 Regulation.
The names of the students who receive the scholarships are identified by taking into account the choice of supporters and the criteria indicated in the previous articles 2 and 3.
The Directorate General for education systems and the evaluation of the national education system sends the communication to the schools to allow the teachers accompanying minors and the students who are recipients of the scholarships to show their willingness to participate in the Project by filling out the registration form.
The teachers accompanying minors and the students (or those exercising parental authority, in case of minors) must provide the following data:
- school of reference;
- valid identity document;
- mobile number and e-mail address;
- authorization to process personal data for the purposes of the Project;
- authorization to take photographs and to film during the events related to the Project and authorization for their distribution on the Project website.
The definitive list of winners of the prizes is published on the website of the Project www.fuoriclassedellascuola.it.
The participation in the project requires complete understanding and acceptance of this Regulation.
The awards and prizes provided for the winners who join the Project are the following:
- a. a cash prize in the form of a check for an amount of € 1,500.00. In case of a transfer, the IBAN need to be related to a bank account or a payment card registered to the winner of the prize;
- b. the right to participate to the “Campus dei Fuoriclasse” organized by the Museo del Risparmio and other partners for the winner of the scholarships (underage students must be accompanied by a teacher from the school of origin).
The costs of accommodation, food and travel for students and teachers accompanying minors at the events organized for the Project are covered by the supporters of the scholarships. The travel organization (provide both for the Campus and the awards ceremony from the residence address in Italy and back) is managed by FEduF.
Regarding the teachers accompanying minors, every change request that will be sent after having communicate the name to the organizers will be borne by the teacher, also economically.
The organizers of the awards ceremony and events provide participants with adequate insurance coverage for accidents and liability risks.
In order to obtain the prizes and awards, the participation in both the awards ceremony and the events organized related to the Project is mandatory.
In case of cancellation or failure to provide the consent to participate in the Project or failure to participate in the Campus or the awards ceremony, the winner of the competition is replaced by the student of the three-year period who ranked at the subsequent position in the same competition.
The scholarships are financed by companies, foundations and privates. 75% of the funds raised are used for the cash prize, while 25% of the funds raised are used to cover the cost of accommodation, food and travel related to the participation of the students to the Campus and the living expenses for the awards ceremony.
The cash prizes can be named after a specific supporter who requests it in the case of donation to the Project of a sum equal to or greater than € 2,000.00 (two thousand/00) or to the different sum determined by the Peers Group provided by art. 3 of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2020 between the Mim and FEduF. In all other cases, the prizes do not bear any specific name.
The sum of the prize referred to in letter a) and the details of the events referred to in letter b) are published on the website www.fuoriclassedellascuola.it. Optional corporate experiences can be carried out by the students at the supporting companies who finance the scholarships. The expenses and insurance coverage for participants would be reimbursed.
The personal data processing is carried out by FEduF for the participation in the Project in accordance with the provisions of the European Regulation on the protection of personal data (EU / 2016/679), stored in the IT and paper archive for the time needed for the execution of the Project and are used and processed for the sole purpose of managing the activities related to the Project as well as for the prize awarding. The recipients of the Project may exercise the rights referred to in articles 15 and the following ones included in the EU/2016/679 Regulation by writing to:
Valentina Panna
Foundation for Financial Education and Savings
Piazza del Gesù 49 – 00186 Roma
E-mail: scuola@feduf.it